Longform Is The New Buzzword In Newsrooms

Longform is the new buzzword in newsrooms. It’s been around for a while now, but it’s getting more attention because people are finally paying attention to the quality of their content. And longform isn’t just important for attracting readers—it can also help rebuild trust between journalists and their audiences as well.

Longform is the new buzzword in newsrooms.

Longform is the new buzzword in newsrooms. Longform articles are getting more attention because they’re easier to understand and consume, which has been a struggle for newsrooms.

When you think about it, longform articles have been around since the beginning of time–think Homer’s Odyssey or Beowulf. The only difference now is that we’re reading these stories on our phones instead of scrolls or paper books. So why did it take so long for longform content to become popular again? Well, let me tell you about my first experience with this phenomenon:
