Can You Gain Weight by Overeating on Healthy Food? Check Out the Results of This 6 Week Experiment

This was an experiment that I found interesting in maintaining body weight while overeating on healthy food for 6 weeks. We all know that sometimes, too much of a good thing becomes bad. So for this instance, pretty much everyone gains weight after they binge on unhealthy food for six weeks but this experiment stands out for the reason that it was going to prove if someone can get weight in the event you over-eat on healthy food as well. I just want to be clear that this experiment does not grant you a magical fitness regime that you can eat anything and remain fit. There are 2 main rules to this experiment which I will highlight below.

Anyway, based on six weeks, and following the rule followed by a fitness friend of mine, his body weight was the same as six weeks ago even though he increased his food …