Health insurance or popularly known as private medical insurance covers any conditions which are short term and can be cured, even injuries which don’t last too long and are acute condition types would be covered. But when talking of such insurance policies, there are certain treatments and illnesses which are not covered under the scheme and we will tell you about them, so please read on and be well informed for the same.
Health insurance happily takes care if you have the following;

1. Short term treatment, or what is known as acute conditions
2. Tests for in patient care
3. Surgeries
4. Accommodation costs at reputed hospitals
5. Time costs for theatre usage
6. Nursing costs
7. Tests and diagnoses
8. Consultations with the medical head etc
Some policies also allow for testing with regard to out patient care, coverage while you travel overseas and cash paid treatments for those who use the government services as an in patient attendee.
Before you sign up for the health insurance policy, make sure you read all the terms and conditions. This would help you understand what coverage you can avail of and what you cannot. Some medical conditions, which you may have wouldn’t be covered under the policy you have taken, because it could be a long term illness or treatment which the company wouldn’t be able to manage and you would be asked to pay for.
Medical treatment and costs incurred by the company for your health through the health insurance policy would be ten times more and thus, the policy wouldn’t give you coverage for the same, so check with your insurance provider on any pre existing ailments and diseases or treatments you undergo, for it may NOT be covered.
What health insurance in wouldn’t cover are
1. Pre existing conditions on you before taking the policy.
2. Services of the GP
3. Long term illness coverage where cure is no where close in sight
4. Emergencies
5. Accidents
6. Prescriptions by government sources.
7. Drug abuse
8. Out patient medication
9. Out patient dressing
10. Injuries which are self inflicted
12. Pregnancy which is normal
13. Infertility
14. Cosmetic changes and surgery
15. SRS/ Gender reassignment/ SEX CHANGE
16. Kidney dialysis
17. Preventative treatment
18. Aids for mobility needs
19. Experimental drugs and treatment
20. Transplant of organs
21. War inflicted risks
22. Injuries due to hazardous occupation etc
But again, if you have done your homework well enough, you would find in the market certain insurance companies which would provide you health insurance with total cover on pre existing illnesses, treatments and ailments. These fall widely under the banner of “HEALTH CASH PLAN”, so speak to your agent for the same and see if it fits the bill in your case.
With a health cash plan in place you can get coverage for
1. Medical needs on a daily basis at the hospitals where you wish to be treated.
2. Sickness
3. Accidents
4. Critical illnesses etc