Working Around the Clock for Obama, For Smart Policies About Public Health Issues

Voter registration ended earlier this month, on Tuesday October 9th, here in Florida and in several other swing states. Those of us working hard to elect leaders who understand and care about public health issues, leaders like President Obama and Florida’s Senator Bill Nelson, temporarily put down our clipboards, taking a tiny rest before gearing up to go get out the vote. We need a government that stands up for public health, not one dead set on tearing down longstanding, hard-won protections for people and the environment.

But lots of us devote so much mental energy to this election that it actually starts to sap our energy. It’s hard to stop stewing over the polls at night when a person, and it’s not just me but lots of us, has the bad habit of checking our favorite political tracking blogs right before turning in.

Working Around the Clock for Obama, For Smart Policies About Public Health Issues

Anyway, October 9th was the last …