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Cold and Flu Prevention is Always Better Than the Cure – 5 Key Components

Cold and Flu Prevention is Always Better Than the Cure – 5 Key Components
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We all know the saying that prevention is better than a cure, but often we realize this just a little too late when it comes to the cold and flu.

A natural home remedy that will ‘knock the flu over the fence’ is rarely considered by the general populous. Even if it is only 5 key components to rid the body from the virus. Most people turn to chemically enhanced prescribed medications to ‘suppress’ and ‘alleviate’ the symptoms of the flu or cold. Everyone would probably agree that to remove the cold or flu all together from the body is better than any half baked band-aide pill or ‘make me feel better medicine’. Natural methods are there for you to embrace right now, problem is, they are natural and don’t come in a bottle or a pill.

When the human body comes into contact with viruses that are running rampant and in plaque proportions, the body can either be a ‘safe haven’ for the unwanted guest virus, or it can simply reject it with nowhere for the virus to ‘abide’ or take a stronghold and multiply and stay.

If you have a clean house (body) viruses and unwanted pests will simply pass right through you. However, if you are stuck with the virus, and it is taking hold, and you start to feel the effects, you have to act quickly and decisively. To flush the problem out naturally, you have to consider drastic action. Good healthy food and herbs in the right dose, mixed with a little extra sleep and rest.

Five key components to rid your body from the unwanted influenza virus and the common cold, for immediate action.

  • Stop polluting your body. Stop feeding your delicate energy conversion machine (your body) with unclean foods, such as sugars, excess fats, preservatives, and alcohol.
  • Clean your body. Drink plenty of water, with at least 1/2 lemon squeezed into a glass, one in the morning, and one in the evening served hot with honey.
  • Revitalize. Eat only ‘earthy’ whole foods like beetroot, carrots, capsicum, peppers, turnips, spinach, onions, and garlic. Avoid high starch potatoes and high sugar fruits. No junk food, red meat, or coffee. Have a vegetable juice in the morning for breakfast consisting of carrots, celery, 1/2 onion, ginger, spinach, beans, beetroot, and sweet potato.
  • Purify. Somehow, with other foods, chew 1 clove of raw garlic. Garlic is a core food that removes, burns out, and destroys unwanted pests and guests like viruses. You may find that this is a little too hard to stomach, but trust me, garlic will rid everything in your body, (usually including your friends for a day or so). Yes, you will stink like garlic. Yes, your belly will get a cleanout. Yes, you will experience a little ‘blotting’ of the stomach. But that is what it is supposed to do. Clean out and purify the house. This, along with the 1/2 onion in the vegetable juice will do you good.
  • Rest and Re-cooperate. Whenever your body is trying to deal with an invasion of a virus like the flu, your body will ache and groan and carry on, which is it telling you to rest. Give it time to rid the virus, and re-cooperate and regenerate. Rest and sleep is the last key to this remedy. Without it, you will not recover properly.

Adhering to these simple, yet effective principles, you will notice a big difference in your demeanor. You will feel revitalized after-wards, but it is imperative you don’t go straight back to your poor eating polluting habits, or the problems will surely return quicker than you can fully recover.

Most people avoid these methods because they seem to simple and ‘offensive’, but it is the difference between treating the problem or simply treating the symptoms only to return later in the future. It is your body, treat it well, and it will look after you both now and later.